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Color Animation Based on Layer Position

Dynamically changes a layer’s color based on its position within the composition, using X and Y coordinates to calculate RGB values.

Contributed by:

xNorm = linear(position[0], 0, thisComp.width, 0, 1); // Normalize X position
yNorm = linear(position[1], 0, thisComp.height, 0, 1); // Normalize Y position
r = linear(xNorm, 0, 1, 0, 255); // Map X to Red
g = linear(yNorm, 0, 1, 0, 255); // Map Y to Green
b = 255 - (r + g) / 2; // Complementary Blue
[r, g, b, 255] / 255; // Normalize to RGB

Color Animation Based on Layer Position

Practical use case

Great for interactive animations where objects change color as they move, such as sliders, maps, or responsive graphics.

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