Video marketing for real estate on autopilot
Create video templates in After Effects, connect them to your data and automatically generate video content that will drive results.

The key benefits
High-quality templates
Plainly is After Effects compatible. Your team can create high-quality templates in a tool they are familiar with.
Automate any kind of video
The only limit is your imagination, Plainly gives you the ability to automate any kind of video: from property listings to TV ads.
Large-scale video creation
Our robust rendering infrastructure ensures that you can render any amount of video securely without any hiccups.

Get started in 3 easy steps:
Template creation
Plainly set up
Popular real estate use cases for Plainly
Listing videos
Create videos in bulk or on demand and showcase listings through a captivating video that would normally take a video editor 30 minutes to create.
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Franchisee videos
Create high impact video content for your franchisees or agents, or enable them to create content on their own - all while keeping the brand control.
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CEO @ Creative Tree