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Detect Layer Overlap

Detects when two layers overlap, adjusting opacity as they collide.

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function getBoundingBox(layer) {
var rect = layer.sourceRectAtTime(time, false); // Get the four corners of the layer in world space, considering rotation
var topLeft = layer.toWorld([rect.left,]);
var topRight = layer.toWorld([rect.left + rect.width,]);
var bottomLeft = layer.toWorld([rect.left, + rect.height]);
var bottomRight = layer.toWorld([rect.left + rect.width, + rect.height]);
return [topLeft, topRight, bottomRight, bottomLeft];
function layersOverlap() {
var myCorners = getBoundingBox(thisLayer);
for (var i = 1; i <= thisComp.numLayers; i++) {
if (i == index) continue; // Skip self
var otherLayer = thisComp.layer(i);
if (! continue;
var otherCorners = getBoundingBox(otherLayer); // Check if any corner of one layer is inside the bounds of the other
if (isAnyCornerInside(myCorners, otherCorners) || isAnyCornerInside(otherCorners, myCorners)) {
return true;
} }
return false;
function isAnyCornerInside(cornersA, cornersB) {
for (var i = 0; i < cornersA.length; i++){
var point = cornersA[i];
if (isPointInside(point, cornersB)) {
return true;
} }
return false;
function isPointInside(point, corners) { // Using a bounding box approach for simplicity; accurate for axis-aligned but approximate for rotated shapes
var minX = Math.min(corners[0][0], corners[1][0], corners[2][0], corners[3][0]);
var maxX = Math.max(corners[0][0], corners[1][0], corners[2][0], corners[3][0]);
var minY = Math.min(corners[0][1], corners[1][1], corners[2][1], corners[3][1]);
var maxY = Math.max(corners[0][1], corners[1][1], corners[2][1], corners[3][1]);
return (point[0] >= minX && point[0] <= maxX && point[1] >= minY && point[1] <= maxY);
} // Change opacity based on overlap; You can swap number 30 for any other
valuelayersOverlap() ? 30 : 100;

Detect Layer Overlap

Practical use case

Great for collision detection effects, such as interactive animations where elements change on contact.

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